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ZOC Terminal is a professional SSH Client and Terminal Emulator for Windows and macOS.
ZOC Online Help Topic:

APPENDIX → Common Problems and Questions (Trouble Shooting Guide)

Please also read Quick Start Guides for step by step instructions on how to make connections with Telnet, SSH, ISDN etc. And see the How-To Guide.

If you do not find a solution to a problem below, please visit our web site and ask your question via the support request form.

ZOC tries to access the com port or complains about RTS/CTS when starting

This happens when Serial/Modem is set as your default connection type in the session profile. Please go to Options→Session Profile→Connection Type, then change the connection type to Telnet, SSH or your preferred method of communication and save the session profile.

Telnet/SSH connections to IP addresses only start after a delay

ZOC tries to find a matching host name for IP addresses. If you do not have name server entries for your connections, this may take a few seconds. To disable the feature, go to Options→Session Profile→Connection Type→Telnet→Global Options and enable No reverse DNS lookup.

The transparency option slows down the computer

In order to make use of the transparency, you need an up-to-date video board. Otherwise the system's processor will have to perform the necessary graphical computations for the transparency effect. If you have an older video board, please disable the option in Options→Session Profile→Window and/or Options→Session Profile→Window.

The selected emulation displays messed up screens

Please make sure that the chosen emulation is suitable for the remote host. Via Telnet and SSH the ZOC emulation is automatically communicated to the remote host, so just try to select a different one. Xterm, VT220 or VT102 will work well on many systems, although some systems require quite specific and sometimes arcane choices.

If you are using another terminal emulator that works well on your system, check its options and see which emulation is used there.

On Linux systems, Yast/MC etc. show strange characters

Please activate the UTF8/Unicode support in the Emulation options for the Linux emulation (try Xterm/Linux/VT220), or choose the UTF8/Unicode character set in Session Profile, Layout.

My emulation basically works, but it shows funny characters instead of line-graphics/boxes

Go to Session Profile, Layout and either try the UTF8/Unicode or the IBM/DOS character set.

Some F-Keys do not work with my remote system

Please make sure that you are using an emulation which supports the full range of F-Keys (e.g. Xterm, VT220, Sun CDE, Ansi SCO or Linux).

Other emulations only support a limited number of f-keys, in that case you will have to map the correct values (if you know what your host expects) for the f-keys yourself in the Options→Keyboard Profiles dialog.

The cursor keys do not work in some VT102/VT220 applications

You should use the gray cursor keys, not the numeric keypad. The keypad is used for other purposes by some remote applications.

Keyboard redefinition does not work

Please note that the keyboard redefinition takes the Num-Lock state into account. Check your Options→Keyboard Profiles and see if your keys are mapped depending on the Num-Lock and Scroll-Lock states.

I cannot connect using Windows-Modems (TAPI)

ZOC does not use Window's Local Settings, which means that you have to type the phone number exactly as you want it to be dialed (including digits to get an outside line or to dial long distance).

ZOC cannot open the COM port while other programs can

Please make sure that the COM port is available by typing MODE COMx (where x is the number of the port) at a command prompt.

If this does not result in an error message, make sure that you typed the com port's name correctly in ZOC. Especially do not use space characters between COM and the number. With higher port numbers (above COM10), some systems require the format \\.\COMxx

The error could also appear if the port is currently used by another program.

I keep getting a "No CTS from modem" message

To prevent ZOC and the modem to overrun each others buffers at times, both should be configured to support the so called RTS/CTS handshake. This is especially necessary with transfer speeds of 9600 bps and more.

If you have activated RTS/CTS handshake, ZOC insists on getting the according signal from the modem, because without this signal the communication will be blocked. Hence ZOC issues a warning if the CTS signal from the modem cannot be detected.

If you get this warning, please check that your modem is configured to supply the CTS command (e.g. by using the modem's factory settings), that you are using a 7-wire cable (and adapter) between the modem and the PC and that you are using the correct COM-port in Options→Session Profile→Connection Type and/or in Host Directory→Edit.

If the modem or attached device does not support RTS/CTS, turn off RTS/CTS handshake by clicking the Configure button for Serial/Modem or Serial/Direct.

Zmodem file transfers via telnet fail

Please try different Telnet-options in Options→Session Profile→Connection Type, or Host Directory→Edit→Connection Type→Configure (especially with the CR/NUL options) or run rz -e on the remote computer.

Zmodem uploads to the Linux rz command do not start at all or fail

Try to use the -e, -eb or -v option on Unix's side: rz -e, rz -eb or rz -v

If your connection is routed through a Xyplex concentrator, there currently is no known method to make Zmodem uploads at all. You will have to use another protocol -- best choice in this case is probably CKERMIT used from a transfer shell from ZOC (please search the help file for CKERMIT to get details).

Downloads generally work fine, but modem uploads of large files fail

Probably you are using a high-speed modem but have RTS/CTS disabled. For high-speed transmission both, the modem and ZOC, need to be configured to use RTS/CTS handshaking.

After downloads the time setting of files is off by a few hours

Please check the discussion of the TZ environment variable in the starter section of this file or set the 'Ignore time stamp' option in Options→Session Profile→Transfer.

Whenever I leave the program I get a Carrier Detect warning

Maybe your modem is configured to have the CD signal always on. Set it to match the CD state (maybe AT&C1) or set the CD signal to 'invalid' in the serial options.

Sometimes ZOC hangs after starting or when sending to the COM port

Try to disable DSR handshake in the options for Serial/Modem.

My modem works properly with other terminal software but not with ZOC

Try using the same modem initialization as in the other terminal package. Or store that modem configuration into the non-volatile memory of the modem (mostly done with AT&W) and use ATZ as the initialization string for ZOC (AT commands are configured from the Serial/Modem device settings).

ZOC does not show ISDN as a Connection Type under Windows

You need CAPI V2.0 drivers from your board manufacturer, which come with nearly all of the better ISDN cards.

ISDN can be selected, but connections fail

You are probably using a CAPI2032.DLL which does not work with your current drivers, e.g. CAPI2032.DLL from Windows, together with drivers from your board. Also, please set the communication parameters to STANDARD (there is a Standard button in Options→Session Profile→Connection Type→ISDN) and save the options.

Also make sure, that this kind of setting is made in all your ISDN phone book entries. If you still experience problems, please try to reinstall your ISDN drivers and make sure that you are using the latest driver kit from your manufacturer.

No characters appear after making a modem connection

You use a secured transmission and the modem waits to get an OK signal from the computer which does not come. Turn on RTS/CTS in the options for the serial connection.

Sizing the ZOC window only works in large steps

By default ZOC changes the font size when you size the window. Since the font is not available in every necessary size ZOC will use a best-fit method and size the window accordingly. If you do not like this, you can change the sizing behavior in the Options→Session Profile→Window options.

I would like to use more fonts for ZOC

ZOC checks all available fonts in the system to find the ones that could be used for the terminal window. For use in ZOC all characters in the font must have the same width and must support the selected code page.
Under Windows the Courier New, Lucida Console and Terminal fonts meet this requirement. If you do not see the Terminal font in ZOC's font list, please make sure that the 'Show only true type fonts …' setting in My Computer→Control Panel→Fonts→View→Options→True Type is not selected.

I miss a full screen mode

There is no character based full screen mode available. ZOC is a graphical program and uses the benefits of the graphical user interface (like offering icons). However, you can maximize the ZOC window using the maximize button in the title bar. This way ZOC will cover the whole screen (you should select a large font if you do this).

I disabled the menu, how can I get it back?

You can right-click into the terminal area, this will also bring up the menu. If you mapped another function on right-click, you will need to manually edit the session profile (e.g. My Documents > ZOC8 Files > Options > Standard.zoc) using a text editor.

Scrolling is slow

Scrolling in an window is generally slower than in full screen mode. There is a scroll speed option in Options→Session Profile→Terminal.

Is there a host mode?

Yes. It is implemented as a REXX program. To start it select Script, Start Script and select MINIHOST.ZRX. The program will prompt you for two passwords (for guest and supervisor mode) and will then wait for incoming calls.

What does ZOC mean?

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy might describe ZOC as followed:

zoc (v), to zoc means communicating with other people through the means of extremely sophisticated hard- and software (sophisticated at least from the viewpoint of the ape-descended inhabitants of an extremely unimportant blue planet in an even lesser important part of the galaxy who think that personal computers are a pretty neat pieces of hardware).


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